Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I feel the media played a major role in the 2nd victimization of Ms. Stan. They are portraying her actions as justification for being kidnapped and held captive. The victim may have used poor judgment, but in no way did she ask to be sexually abused and stuffed in a box for 7 years! Hans von Hentig raised the possibility that certain victims who suffered injury and personal losses might share some degree of responsibility with the lawbreakers... I feel the media ran with this theory. However, the evidence doesn’t lie and the wife of the perpetrator confirmed the true story. The media is pushing the victim to feel self blame. Guilt will only harbor negative emotions and delay the healing process. The victim lost 7 years of her life, which can never be regained. She endured mental anguish, physical abuse and loss of personal liberty & freedom. I feel the victim could benefit from a compensation program through paid therapy. The victim undoubtedly suffers from PTSD due to the abduction, rapes, brainwashing and long-term stay in captivity; Cognitive therapy technique known as cognitive restructuring maybe beneficial to the victim. Restorative justice isn’t applicable in this situation, because the victim will never be truly be made whole again. The fact that her capturer is behind bars for 104, may give her comfort that he won’t be able to do this again; however the fear and mental anguish will always remain. (Krystle)

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