Sunday, November 1, 2009

The story of Colleen Stan and her 7 years of torture is very disturbing.  The media in each of the stories does portray an underlying question of whether or not Stan's story of torture and abuse can be believed; even though evidence and Hooker's wife corroborated the story.  As CJ students, we have learned of the condition where a victim starts to identify and trust her attacker. (I can't recall the name right now though)
I also think that Colleen Stan was brainwashed by Hooker; the type of isolation and little to no food along with the torture are related to what has been learned in the past about brainwashing. 
The fact that Stan was hitchhiking does relate to Schafer's victim precipitation typology, and she did have the little voice in her head advsising her to run when they were at the gas station on the day she was kidnapped.  Sadly, Stan ignored the voice. 
Also, I think that life in prison, or 104 years, is too leniant for Hooker.  He not only confined her for 7 years, she will never be the same; the death penalty may be a better option for a man that thinks it is ok to have a slave. 
Donna S.

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