Monday, November 2, 2009

This story was very disturbing.  The fact that Stan had several chances to leave or call the police and DIDN'T, bothers me.  I understand that she felt threatened and really thought Hooker would kill her family, but something in her had to want to get help.  I know that over time the victim can begin to identify with the offender, but she still could not believe this was right. 
Stan was hitchiking makes the crime somewhat victim-percipitated.  She could have left at the gas station.  Hooker either would have let her leave, or at least there would have been several people around.  At that point she should have went with her gut feeling. 
I believe Hooker should have been given the death penalty, or personnaly in my world, I would have tortured him and kept HIM in a box for several years (I know that the correctional system can't do that, but that is what I would do). 

Jessica L

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